Start Chris Jackson Start Chris Jackson


Our beginners sessions teach the key postures, alignments and breath techniques whilst starting to build your skill and confidence in a light hearted and supportive environment that is both educational and exploratory!

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Start Chris Jackson Start Chris Jackson


Our fundamentals sessions run as a continual ‘workshop style’ class that visits and revisits the foundational principles of practice and alignment. Classes are conducted at a relaxed pace with students encouraged to ask questions during pose breakdowns and demonstrations.

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Start, Functional Chris Jackson Start, Functional Chris Jackson

Functional Movement

Functional Movement is a workshop style session that runs as short courses exploring foundational principles of movement. Great for people look to firm up their foundations and start exploring movement.

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Functional Chris Jackson Functional Chris Jackson

Functional Strength

Functional Strength sessions utilise full body conditioning movements to create a holistic and progressive strength building workout! Sessions will include the use of resistance bands, bodyweight exercises and light weights.

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Soothe Chris Jackson Soothe Chris Jackson


This deeply restful practice brings a gentle and meditative focus to practice, working with supported poses and the breath to help soothe the nervous system and invoke a clear sense of centre.

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Soothe Chris Jackson Soothe Chris Jackson


Yin yoga is characterised by floor based poses supported by props that incorporate principles from Chinese Medicine. To differentiate it from a restorative class, yin will get deep into the soft tissue of the body. It's less restful, and geared more towards a functional release of deep muscle tissue.

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Soothe, Start Chris Jackson Soothe, Start Chris Jackson

Flow Slow

Vinyasa Yoga at a slower pace and more nourishing pace, you’ll still be up and moving, but more focus on therapeutic postures and plenty of extra time to unwind.

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Soothe Chris Jackson Soothe Chris Jackson

Shakti Mat Meditations

These unique guided meditations blend use of the Shakti Mat with breath work and guided relaxation to offer an opportunity for a powerful reset of the body and nervous system.

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Soothe Chris Jackson Soothe Chris Jackson

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, often translated as ‘Yogic Sleep’ is a guided meditation practice; carried out laying down in a relaxed and supported position. The meditation follows several stages of intention and contemplation to access insight, release, and balance.

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Soothe Chris Jackson Soothe Chris Jackson


Yoga performed in, and with the support of a chair. This class is especially beneficial for attendees with restricted mobility or with ongoing health challenges.

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Sweat Chris Jackson Sweat Chris Jackson

Dynamic Vinyasa

Dynamic vinyasa classes take vinyasa practices up a notch, amping up the strong, sometimes bringing in a faster moving pace, sometimes longer held conditioning movements and more challenging and playful postures such as single leg and arm balances.

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Sweat Chris Jackson Sweat Chris Jackson

Core Flow

Core flows a free-flowing strength-based class add a focus on functional and conditioning movements and progressions for a light-hearted but challenging class that target the core, hips and glutes!

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Sweat Chris Jackson Sweat Chris Jackson

Power Flow

Power flow classes take dynamic up a physical notch! Expect vibrant and rhythmic class that explore flowing movements with a greater emphasis on repetition to focus on building strength and stamina whilst unlocking flexibility, fluidity and smooth breath and thinking.

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Chris Jackson Chris Jackson

Rocket Yoga

Rocket Yoga has its roots in the Astanga system with a set series of sequences that are powerful and playful in equal measure. Expect arm balances and plenty of sweat in these sessions.

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Balance, Start Chris Jackson Balance, Start Chris Jackson

Vinyasa & Sunrise Vinyasa

For all levels looking for a balanced practice, Vinyasa Yoga offers a full spectrum class that works globally on strength, balance, flexibility and breath with time for relaxation and meditation to close.

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Balance Chris Jackson Balance Chris Jackson

Vinyas ‘aah’

This is a vinyasa practice with some extra end of the week vibes! The first half of the practice will follow a flowing format to open up the body and ring out the residue of the week, before moving into a slower second half; enjoying some slower and more supported postures leaving you feeling ‘aaah’ ready for the weekend ahead!

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Balance Chris Jackson Balance Chris Jackson

Deep Flow

Taken at a slower pace than our Vinyasa class, this style is strong and physically dynamic. The slower transitions between poses encourage mindfulness, resilience and compassion, along with a greater emphasis on the details of the postures and breath.

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aerial Chris Jackson aerial Chris Jackson

Aerial Yoga

Enjoy a whole new perspective on your yoga practice with the addition of an aerial silk sling. Explore some familiar postures off the ground alongside some entirely new ones!

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Connect Chris Jackson Connect Chris Jackson

Moon Meditations

These guided sessions involve meditation, journalling and space for discussion around the evolving themes of the moon and her cycles. Expect to feel restored, and inspired.

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Connect Chris Jackson Connect Chris Jackson

Breathwork & Meditation

Pranayama (breathing exercises) connect us to our most essential energies, bringing clarity, energy and calm. These short sessions are the perfect pre-cursor to asana practice.

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