Classes & Bookings

  • Booking can either be made by navigating to each locations booking schedule, or by downloading the Yoga x Life Studio booking app.

  • You can purchase ‘guest passes’ to bring your guest along. Members benefit from discounts on guest passes.

    Please note memberships are for use by the holder only.

  • Booked classes may be cancelled at no cost until 2 hours prior to the class commencing via the website or mobile booking application at no cost, or by contacting the Yoga x Life Studios on +44 (0) 191 2305666. Teachers cannot process cancellations.

    Booked events may be cancelled at no cost until 10 days prior to the event commencing via the website or mobile booking application at no cost, or by contacting the Yoga x Life Studios on +44 (0) 191 2305666.

    In case of timely cancellation a credit for the same class type will automatically be refunded to your account with a one month expiration. If you would prefer a cash refund this will need to be requested.

    In the case of late cancellation (within 2 hours of the start of class), or missed bookings the place will not be credited back to your account, nor refunded. For unlimited membership holders a charge may be applied to your account, up to the value of the class missed. Please note, classes and events that are free to book may also incur variable non-attendance fees, so please cancel your space at the earliest opportunity if you are no longer able to attend.

    In the case of a no show which is defined as either cancellation after 5 minutes prior to class commencing, or no cancellation and non attendance, a no show fee of £3.50 may be applied to your account.

  • Full classes offer a waiting list.

    If you are on the waiting list and a space becomes available you will automatically be upgraded to attending and payment for the space will be taken. If you no longer wish to wait for a place, please cancel your reservation at no cost. Please note, cancellations will trigger an automatic sign up up until two hours prior to the classes commencing.

    Less than two hours prior to the class commencing if a space becomes available an email will be sent to all waitlisted yogis and the place will be allocated on a first response basis.

    If you are no longer actively waiting for a class we ask if you could please remove yourself from the list.

    Please note automated emails may depend on your individual email and marketing preference settings.

  • Not at all! You can join any of our sessions on either a drop in basis, by purchasing one of our multi class passes or by signing up for our memberships. If you are attending regularly our membership options are flexible and offer the best value option to attend.

  • Yes. We advise that you book all sessions in advance to guarantee your spot. It is possible to ‘drop in’ but priority will be given to advance bookings.

  • In order to attend a Yoga x Life studio class (other than specifically listed children’s yoga classes) attendees must either be over the age of 16 or accompanied by an appropriate adult.


  • Membership changes can be made by emailing with a minimum of three working days prior to the renewal date.

    Please note// purchasing a new membership will not automatically cancel an existing one - this can only e done by emailing as above.

Online Yoga

  • Our online library offers access to a vast array of high quality classes from your favourite Yoga x Life Studio teachers and guests in our usual variety of styles.

    YT Tv operates separately to in-studio bookings and has a single all inclusive price or the option to PAYG for individual classes.