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Upcoming Events


Cacao Meditation with Chelsea and Jen

The sharing of Cacao through ceremony is linked to a deeper symbolism, drawing from the power we access when we take time to give ourselves real space for real nourishment and offers much needed time for integration, sharing, open-hearted support and processing.

Each events will be led by Senior Shamans and will begin with opening space, intention setting and the drinking of the cacao, before moving into a movement practice and Shamanic journey aligning with the energies of the seasons and phases we are experiencing.

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Ecstatic Dance and Silent Disco

Join Paris for an evening like no other!

The event will begin with guided movement, before the music builds for free movement and dance all wrapped up with a closing meditation.

Wear whatever you feel good in!

To book this event;

  • first purchase an ‘Ecstatic Dance’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot!

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Gong & Sound Bath with Andrew Lovell

Join Andrew Lovell for an immersive sound experience and powerful guided meditation; bathing in therapeutic sounds, and the powerful vibrations of the gong to release energy blockages and reinvigorate being.

The Gong Bath will begin at 6.30pm, with the YT Life Bar will be open from 5pm serving a selection of alcohol free drinks and snacks for some social time and extra unwind before the event.

No prior experience is required in order to participate. The session is carried out in a supported, reclined position, so for the best experience come in comfortable, relaxed and warm clothing. Blankets, bolsters and cushions will be made available for use however you are welcome to bring anything additional that you might like.

February 24th

April 20th

June 29th

September 28th

November 30th

This event is £30 to book, with studio unlimited membership holders enjoying a 10% discount.

To book this event;

  • first purchase a ‘Sound Bath’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the booking page HERE to book in your spot!

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Summer Solstice Yoga Mala

Join Chris for the immersion experience of a Yoga Mala, moving and breathing in synchrony for 108 rounds of sun salutations in a celebration, and internalisation of the peak energy of the Solstice.

To book this event;

  • first purchase a ‘Yoga Mala’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot!

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Summer Solstice, Cacao and Meditation with Debbie

The sharing of Cacao through ceremony is linked to a deeper symbolism, drawing from the power we access when we take time to give ourselves real space for real nourishment and offers much needed time for integration, sharing, open-hearted support and processing.

Each events will be led by Senior Shamans and will begin with opening space, intention setting and the drinking of the cacao, before moving into a movement practice and Shamanic journey aligning with the energies of the seasons and phases we are experiencing.

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Cacao Meditation and Sound Journey with Afnan and Rachel

The sharing of Cacao through ceremony is linked to a deeper symbolism, drawing from the power we access when we take time to give ourselves real space for real nourishment and offers much needed time for integration, sharing, open-hearted support and processing.

Each events will be led by Senior Shamans and will begin with opening space, intention setting and the drinking of the cacao, before moving into a movement practice and Shamanic journey aligning with the energies of the seasons and phases we are experiencing.

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Self Care Sunday

If you are in need of relaxation and releasing stress, this workshop is for you! Practice some self care and learn invaluable techniques to look after your mental health through the power of mindfulness to implement into your existing daily routines and activities.

An engaging interactive workshop in a safe and friendly atmosphere with candles, fairy lights, scented oils and relaxing music. Taught through meditations, stories, poems, breathing techniques, visualisations, written activities, conversation, and more! 

You will surely leave feeling relaxed, calm and ready to face the day ahead. 

To book this event;

  • first purchase a ‘Self Care Sunday’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot!

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Upside Down, You're Turning Me!

See the world from a different perspective in this headstand workshop with Richard.

Over the two hours we will look at Sirsasana 1 and 2, use of props to aid your inversion practise, contraindications and some fun ways to enter into the poses. This workshop is suitable for all levels and please note, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GET YOUR FEET OFF THE GROUND BY THE END! We will go in stages from the very basics, using the wall for support, to potentially going into headstand unaided in the middle of the room. 

To book this event;

  • first purchase an ‘Upside Side Down’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot! .

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Family Yoga

Join us for a playful session that blends bonding, breathing, posture and yoga games before a wonderful wind down ready for a relaxed Sunday evening!

This event is included in our memberships and passes, or an individual credit can be purchased at £5/child.

To book this event;

  • first purchase a ‘Family Yoga’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot! .

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Somatic Voice and Yoga Workshop

Your voice is as unique as your fingerprint. How cool is that?! No two voices are the same or ever will be. Our voices are mighty powerful instruments; of relating, of art, of expressing ourselves, and also – if we learn to utilize them - of healing. And this amazing one-of-a-kind multitool resides right here, deep in our own bodies!

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Energetic Awakening: Shamanic Yoga and Sound Journey

Find deep rest and support through shamanic healing practices infused with yoga and sound to remind yourself of your true essence and how to support your nervous system.

This event will begin with an opening meditation to connect to awaken your energy body, followed a ‘Yang to Yin’ yoga asana practice. Blending progressive, and regressive moves you will be guided to meet your body where it is; honouring the sweetness and discomfort in finding balance before settling into a deeply meditative yin practice accompanied by crystal bowls as preparation for the final stage - a shamanic journey with drumming to invite your fullest self into your every day.

To book this event;

  • first purchase a ‘Energetic Awakening’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot! .

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A Cacao Meditation for Honouring Ancestors

Join Debbie and members of the current Warriors of Light Training for a special Cacao Meditation on mothers day, dedicated to our own mothers, the mothers within us - and all the other inspiring women and caregivers in our lineage and community.

To book this event;

  • first purchase a ‘Cacao Meditation’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot!

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Family Yoga

Join us for a playful session that blends bonding, breathing, posture and yoga games before a wonderful wind down ready for a relaxed Sunday evening!

This event is included in our memberships and passes, or an individual credit can be purchased at £5/child.

To book this event;

  • first purchase a ‘Family Yoga’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot! .

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Om Chanting Circle

Chanting ‘Om’ has been linked to many benefits, both personally and globally! Join Ana for a session dedicated to chanting the Om mantra. This session is donation based.

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Make Your Own Mala

Make Your Own Mala

Join Laura for a one-of-a-kind Traditional Mala making experience.

In this 3 hour workshop you will get the opportunity sit in a group to create and set the intention of your own mala meditation beads, creating a totally unique piece to treasure throughout your journey of enlightenment.

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Wild Thing, I Love You

Camatkarasana or Wild Thing is a fun, challenging back bend with many interesting transitions and variations. In this wild workshop we will explore the fundamentals of a safe back bending practise, how to prepare the body, how to release the back afterwards and work through some of the delicious forms of this posture. Suitable for beginners through to advanced practitioners. Open your heart and explore your wild side.

To join this event please purchase a 'Wild Thing I Love You' Credit from the events tab on our pricing page first.

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They Love me, They Love me Bergamot

Join us for a nourishing afternoon celebrating the protective and purifying qualities of bergamot oils. Soothing practices, uplifting rituals and perhaps a chance to purchase the perfect valentines gift (for yourself that is!!).

11.30am - The experts from Malin & Goetz arrive! Come and say hi, get a skincare consultation or maybe a cheeky hand massage! (Don’t there’s time afterwards too!)

12noon - Face Yoga & Lymphatic Health Boosting Yoga Practice led by Debbie & Chris. (limited spaces available so be sure to book your spot!)

1pm until 2pm - Time for questions, arm and hand massages, mini facials and Indian Head Massage and gorgeous bergamot tea.

Class tickets are £15 with membership holders enjoying their usual discount. PLUS, each ticket comes with £10 of redeemable credit for Malin & Goetz products on the day AND a free goody bag .

To book your spot in the class;

  • first purchase a ‘They Love Me, They Love Me Bergamot’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot!

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Family Yoga

Join us for a playful session that blends bonding, breathing, posture and yoga games before a wonderful wind down ready for a relaxed Sunday evening!

This event is included in our memberships and passes, or an individual credit can be purchased at £5/child.

To book this event;

  • first purchase a ‘Family Yoga’ credit HERE

  • Then visit the event HERE to book in your spot! .

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